Marcia with the music students from Korea
'We are the Children' written by Marcia
honoring Martin Luther King and
the Inauguration of President Barack Obama

the Flute Choir on Easter 2010
the Flute Choir at the 2009 Mountain Play
Miraflores at Davidson's Cougar Carnival
Visiting Artist Series 2009

Noah Allen's Bar Mitzvah
Eli in Fast Forward magazine
Simone in Fast Forward magazine

Miraflores Academie Graduates
MFA Recital 2003
MFA Recital 2004
MFA Recital 2005
MFA Recital 2006
MFA Recital A
MFA Recital B
MFA Recital C
MFA Recital D
MFA Recital E
MFA Recital F
MFA Recital G
the Flute Choir
Saxopoly, the Original
Saxopoly, the Evolution
Saxopoly in Performance
